
Hello and thanks for stopping by!

I have made some updates about my scrap kits lately. Since I create 2 types of scrap kits (digital and tagger sized) I decided to create 2 shops for both. So, from now on you’ll be able to see all the digital scrap kits I have made which are located at my other site HERE and all my tagger sized scrap kits will be added to this site. Now I just made this decision a few days ago so the other site might not be updated just yet. But don’t worry, I will get to it just as soon as I can get all my tag kits added to my shop here at this site, lol.

Also, I created a new group where members can share any tags they have made using my tagger sized scrap kits. And just so you know, members who create tutorials or create tags from my tagger kits will receive a coupon code that they can use to purchase any of my tagger kits from my shop. In order to receive one of these coupons you will first need to have an account in my online shop and be a participating member of my forum. You will also need to either create tag tutorials using my products or create signature tags using them. As a member of the forum you can attach your completed tags to your emails and send them through the group so we can see them. And for those who create sets of tag extras using my products you can also share those in the group as well.

I will send you a coupon code to use in my online shop by email. This email will be sent to the same email you use in my online shop when you log into it. If you have any questions about that you can post through the online group and ask. Now, here’s the link to my online group and you’ll also find the link in the sidebar menu also.
